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One of the least known methods of heating homes is the geothermal HVAC system. 地热暖通空调系统使用一系列地下管道将热量从地下六英尺左右的地方输送到你的家里,即使外面很冷,也能让你的家人保持温暖.

The transference of heat in a geothermal HVAC system is done with a 热泵, a liquid heat-exchange medium, and an air delivery or radiant heating system. These pieces help you keep your home warm using the constant temperatures from underground.

地热 HVAC systems utilize underground temperatures to help heat and cool your home. 随着季节的变化, 你会注意到外面温度的变化, 但是地下, that change isn’t nearly as drastic due to the insulating properties of the earth. At only four to six feet below ground, temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the year.

将这些温度转化为加热和全球网赌十大网站系统, 一系列的管道埋在地下. This series of pipes is called an earth loop, and it is connected to an indoor handling unit. 根据现场的地面情况,管道系统可以水平或垂直放置在地面上.

在冬天, 地球回路中的水吸收来自地面的热量,并将其带入您的家中,在那里它可以被压缩到更高的温度,然后再分布到整个家中. 这个系统就像一台倒转的空调. 在夏天, the system pulls heat out of your home through the earth loop and into the cooler earth.

This transference of heat doesn’t require fossil fuels to generate any heat. 电力被用来驱动机组的风扇, 压缩机, 还有泵,但除此之外, 大自然做了所有的工作.


  • 热泵机组
  • 液体换热介质
  • 空气输送和/或辐射加热系统


Are you looking for a highly-efficiently heating and cooling system that doesn’t require much maintenance? 如果是这样,地热暖通空调系统可能非常适合你.

测量地热系统的效率, 专家们使用性能指标系数, 或者警察. This determines how much energy the system moves in comparison to how much it uses to do so. 大多数地热热泵系统在3.0 to 5.0范围, meaning that for every unit of energy it takes to power the system, 三到五个单元作为热量供应到家庭.

Properly installed geothermal HVAC system rarely require maintenance or service, 但它们可以代代相传. 因为机组的风扇, 压缩机, 水泵都放在室内, 它们不受恶劣天气的影响,而且很耐用. 线圈年度清洗, 过滤器的变化, and occasional checks are all that geothermal HVAC systems usually require.



如果你的旧暖通空调系统即将淘汰, this is the perfect time to start thinking about having a geothermal HVAC system installed in your home. 如果你的家已经有管道系统, the switch over to a geothermal system is much easier than if it didn’t have ductwork, 因为它需要被放进去.

请记住,也会有室外安装的需要. 因为地球环路在地下, there will be digging required in your yard for a geothermal system. This also means that the yard needs to be free of clutter and animals during installation. 由于安装期间的额外工作, geothermal HVAC systems are often more expensive to install than other HVAC systems, but you’ll earn the money back quickly on your heating and cooling bills.

If your geothermal system is older or doesn’t seem to be working properly, the experts at Cates can come out to your home to do a consultation of your system. 如有必要,我们的专家可以为您的系统提供维修或更换. Most of the repairs that will need to be performed on a geothermal system will be on the indoor components, so repeated digging in the yard most likely won’t be necessary on a well-installed system.

Cates加热 and 全球网赌十大网站 services the 堪萨斯城 Metro Area 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have an HVAC emergency, give us a call right away at 913-888-4470. Our HVAC experts can help you determine if a geothermal HVAC system is right for your home. 如果你对地热暖通空调系统感兴趣, 我们很乐意出来给你一个估价.



Learn about how 热泵s can help you keep your home more comfortable year-round. Cates加热 and 全球网赌十大网站 professionals can install a 热泵 in your home today.


Don’t stress out about paying for HVAC repair and replacement services when you go with Cates加热 and 全球网赌十大网站. We offer a few financing options that will help you pay for your services.


在繁忙的日程中安排暖通空调维修是很困难的. Find a time that is convenient for you using our handy online calendar to book an appointment.


如果从安装之日起2年内您仍不满意, 盖茨会试图快速解决你的问题. If the solution is not to your satisfaction Cates, will remove and refund the cost of your equipment.


我们的专业技术人员为任何品牌提供服务. 今天就安排好你的服务、安装或维修.